Break Week–7521QCA Visual Communication
I know that this was a holiday week but I’m doing blog posts anyway. Obviously this is going to be a shorter post since there was no class.
With regards to Visual Communication work, this week involved completing the three photography tasks and running through the InDesign tutorials.
Photography Tasks
Before deciding on a final image for each task, I selected three images for each and showed them to Rae via Microsoft Teams. The ‘Rule of Thirds’ images were the most successful. The ‘Unusual Perspectives’… not so much. The ‘Tells a Story’ images were kind of in between.
Rule of Thirds
I know what you must be thinking. “There is no way this guy took this photo. He probably found it on the internet.”
Well I am happy to tell you that I did take this photo. This and all the other photos in this post were taken from the mountain of photos stored on my phone.
This photo was taken when I was on a family holiday in Ireland. Fun fact: The dogs featured in this photo are Irish Wolfhounds. Historically, they were used to hunt wolves in Ireland and apparently they were very effective. There are no more wolves in Ireland.
Rule of Thirds: Other Photos
I also showed Rae two other photos that used the Rule of Thirds.
In both photos, the prominent figure is on a grid focal point and the floor lines up somewhat with where the lower grid line would be. The tree in the left image takes up the left two grid focal points.
Unusual Perspective
I got a bit carried away with this one. I wasn’t entirely sure what constituted an unusual perspective. This photo shows a red range rover from a floor level perspective.
I took this photo only after receiving feedback on other less successful photos that I showed to Rae.
Unusual Perspective: Failures
The following photos were the ones that were less successful.
From left to right is an underside perspective of the Eiffel Tower, an eye level perspective of a four inch tall snowman, and an up close perspective of a yawning cat. I’m hoping to ask Rae next week what constitutes a photo with an “unusual” perspective.
Tells a Story
I honestly don’t know what she was expecting when she ordered ‘scrambled eggs’ but clearly it wasn’t what was placed in front of her.
This is a photo of my very picky grandmother. Never hath there been a person I both love and loath as much as her. She’s very emotive these days.
Tells a Story: Failures
I also had a couple of other photos that I showed to Rae but didn’t properly tell a story.
The one on the left is of the scene immediately in front of the Mona Lisa. When I took the photo, I remember thinking to myself, “the Mona Lisa is one of the most famous paintings in the world. People from all over the globe have seen it in some shape or form. But very few people have seen what surrounds it on a daily basis. However, this single photo isn’t enough to convey any of that. It needs more context.
The one on the right is of a recently used french tear gas canister. Myself and a couple members of my family, including my cousin Somerset, were unfortunate enough to get a little caught up in the suppression of one of the french protests in 2018. However, as interesting a story as that is, it isn’t effectively conveyed through the photo. If the date was featured in the image, it might have been more effective.
For those of you who are bored and know what Somerset looks like, see if you can spot him in the left photograph.
InDesign Tutorial Videos
This is where I had to really soak up information. As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, InDesign is not my strongest application. One of the video series gave me some much needed clarity on how images worked in InDesign. It is perhaps one of the biggest basic know-how differences between InDesign and the other two applications, Illustrator and Photoshop. I discovered this last week during the online class while we were working on the lost pet fly poster. Images, like many of the elements on an InDesign document, have frames. An image sits within the frame. The frame can be manipulated independent of the image and vice versa. Learning the relationship between two and how to effectively manipulate them separately and together was definitely the most helpful part of the InDesign tutorials.
I’m hoping to put the knowledge I’ve learned to use when I finally put together all the assessment one tasks into a single InDesign document.